Exporting Election Results to a Microsoft Excel .csv File

The Integra Election Reporting Console allows you to efficiently gather the election information that you are interested in and generate reports in the most popular formats, including Microsoft Excel .csv files.  Exporting election information is simple and allows you to share the information with the recipients of your choosing.


To Export Election Results to an Excel File


  1. From the main Election Console page, select the election and contest that you wish to be the subject of your report.

  2. Select the view and select any filters that you want to use to narrow the information that is included in your report.

  3. Click on the Export to Excel icon  Excel_Button.jpg.  The report is generated and displayed in Microsoft Excel.  The following is a sample of one such report for the 2008 Presidential race.





See Also

Selecting an Election from the Main Menu

Viewing All Contents in the Election View

Contest View Tab

Precinct View Tab

Candidate View Tab

Using Filters to Select Specific Contests, Precincts, or Political Party